Since the release of CPT 4 this has been the most requested feature. Actually, CPT 3 already supported tabiyas to manage and train tactical or end game positions. The main reason I removed it from the initial release of CPT 4 was the way tabiyas were managed in CPT 3. They were just named positions, which were loosely coupled with the rest of a repertoire database.
I had a vision how it should be done properly. I’m right now in the final stage of implementing this last big feature for the CPT 4.2 release and I would like to give you a preview of what I believe will be a really great enhancement of CPT and much better than it was done in CPT 3.
First of all, let’s start with a screenshot:

In CPT 4.2 you can add a new repertoire element, which is called ‘topic’. A topic can contain any type of positions. Usually it won’t be the start position or opening. Instead you probably will create a topic an opening to manage key positions (or positions you frequently forget). You could also create another repertoire just to manage tabiyas like end games (with different themes) or mate in 2 positions etc.

If you load a topic the first tabiya is shown. Then you can easily navigate through all tabiyas of the topic, add new ones or delete some. And of course you can train it!
You can see how topics perfectly fit into the comprehensive and unique repertoire concept of CPT. Folders will further help you to organize topics. The fact that you can have several repertoires for a single database makes it very easy to manage all training material.
This new feature will also allow chess teachers to create more complete and innovative training units for their pupils.
This is the very last new feature I’m right now finalizing. The release of version 4.2 took more time than originally planned, but we are now really close to the finish and about 100 new features, bug fixes and improvements have been implemented. It will be released before x-mas and it is a free upgrade for all Pro license owners!