Friday, 30 December 2011

New Images of Chess Pieces

The implementation of the new images of the chess pieces has been finished. An image for the chessboard is also planned, but this will take a little bit longer.

Can you spot the difference between the old and new ones?

The first one:


The second one:


Arrows and boxses could use some anti-aliasing too, but that's also for later. Now that the new images work I can finally do the documentation with the right screenshots.

These new images will be available in the next minor release which will also cover a few bug fixes. The next release will be in 1-2 weeks.

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Comments (3)

  • Walter Quiroga
    17 May 2012 at 17:50 |
    Walter Quiroga

    Waiting...... .....
    When is available?

  • Farid Maluf
    28 May 2012 at 18:58 |
    Farid Maluf


    I may be in the minority, but as I posted on the old website, I prefer the old pieces to the new. Any way to get the option installed of using either?

  • Stefan Renzewitz
    28 May 2012 at 21:56 |
    Stefan Renzewitz

    @Quiroga: these images have been released in the beginning of January this year. However, new images are alrady about to be released.

    @Farid: You are not the only one who complained. Please have a look at this new blog post and let me know if the updated piece images are still worse than the original CPT 3.3 images:

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